The annual Week Without Violence campaign continues a 20+ years global effort to end violence against women and girls, powered by the YWCA network and partners across the world. This year's theme is "Financial Trauma: From Financial Abuse to Safety and Justice." All featured stories from program participants at local associations will be featured on https://www.ywcaweekwithoutvio...
Content Program
Week Without Violence will feature six days of content focused on different aspects of financial trauma and abuse, plus resources for those facing or recovering from financial abuse.
October 21: What is Financial Abuse?
October 22: Financial Abuse of Children and Seniors
October 23: Financial Trauma
October 24: Financial Empowerment and Literacy
October 25: Taking Action
October 26: Self Care
Association Resources
For more information on how to highlight this year's Week Without Violence at your association, download the WWV24 Presentation by YWCA USA.